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Out of reach FA Cup

This year's FA Cup final between Manchester City and Wigan was played at 515 pm local time which meant 215 am Melbourne and out of reach for me to watch live.

Traditionally the FA Cup has been played at 3 pm local time in England but I think the demands of live television have made sure it got changed to a 515 pm slot where most people are home and can watch the match live.

However, here in Melbourne it means the kickoff is now at 215 am which is quite difficult for me to stay up for or to wake up for moreso when the next day is Mother's Day.

The best kickoff time for me I think would be 1 pm local time in England which is 10 pm local time here but I cannot see that happening.

I would have liked to watch the match live and watch the match that became Roberto Mancini's last match after he was sacked by Manchester City.

This year both ESPN and SBS were showing the match live and so it was easier for me to just record the match and watch early in the morning before knowing the result.

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