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F1 split averted

Last week I wrote a post about a looming split in F1 and this has now been averted following an agreement between FOTA and the FIA this week.

Basically the financial cap will no longer be enforced next season and all the teams will run under the same rules.

In a way this seems to be good news but long term I think F1 needs some stable rules and not the constant changes we have seen from year to year over the last few seasons.

Its actually hard to compare seasons sometimes with rules being changed from one season to the next and I think the cap was not a good idea in the first place.

I think the whole idea of reducing costs is a good one but it must be done in such a way that all the teams run under the same rules.

I also think that there must be broad consultation with teams participating rather than try to impose the rules in a 'take it or leave it' attitude.

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