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Mugabe, Tsvangirai sign power sharing deal

Robert Mugabe, Morgan Tsvagirai and Arthur Mutambara today signed the deal that will lead to an inclusive government that will see the three main parties in Zimbabwe share power.

Nearly two months after signing the Memorandum of Agreement today the deal was signed in front of other heads of state from the SADC region.

It was good to see that the signing ceremony was live on BBC and CNN and I was able to watch the whole proceedings from start to finish.

I was impressed with Tsvangirai and he has confidence that this deal will work and he thinks its the best opportunity for the country.

I hope that he goes on and delivers the promise to serve the people and get the country back working again or at least get some things working.

Mutambara dwelt a lot on the economy and I think he had a lot of ideas. I think what he said made some sense but I also think he looked far too forward and the basics have to be right to start with.

But then there was Mugabe's speech. This was a vintage Mugabe speech and as usual dwelt a lot on the history of the liberation struggle and the help offered by the neighbouring countries.

It was a long speech and only in the end did he talk about the deal. Unfortunately he doesn't seem to fully understand the problems facing the country at the moment but I also hope that he will do his best to make sure that the deal will be a success.

I also think Zanu PF needs some leaders who are forward looking to get their party going. Its good to reflect on the historical background but equally you have to focus on the challenges ahead and when Mugabe finally retires I wonder what kind of leader Zanu PF will get to replace him.

Now that the deal is signed its now down to parliament to make the necessary changes to the constitution and then it will be time for work.

I hope this chance will be utilised fully by all who are going to be elected into positions and that rule of law will be re-established and corrupt officials exposed or otherwise it could be yet another opportunity lost.

Related documents:

Jul 08 Memorandum of Understanding
Sep 08 Zimbabwe Deal

I also listened to Mugabe's speech and it was sad if not embarrassing but I think that Zanu PF must be worried about their future leadership. I also think if Zanu PF is to survive as a party then they could use this transition as an opportunity to put forward a successor to Mugabe at some stage because against the MDC in free and fair elections they stand no chance. The deal itself is good because it straightens things out but I think the best thing is to get a new constitution that will actually deliver Zimbabwe into a new era.

Cyril, I hope that constitution process goes well and because it is going to be kicked off early it may also be an indicator as to how the deal is going in the early stages.

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