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Bye Connex, welcome Metro Trains

Today Connex has made way for Metro Trains Melbourne(MTM) who is now the new franchisee for the Melbourne rail network.

Just last week I received a text message asking me whether I wanted to continue with the service updates from MTM and then I could see that Connex was now rounding up its service.

I have just had a look at the MTM website and it looks very impressive and there are live service updates which you can see at a glance for all lines.

I think Connex did a reasonably good job at least for the Epping line which I use for the last six to eight months.

I think the best that happened during that time was to make the morning trains more frequent. Instead of waiting 20 minutes for the next train on average, this has been reduced to ten minutes which has made missing a train not such a big deal.

I don't expect a sudden change in service but I think it would be good to make trains come at least six to seven minutes apart in pick hour especially in the morning.

Welcome Metro Trains, wish you all the best!

I try open the page

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