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Zim talks taking too long

I am surprised to see that the Zimbabwean talks between the three party negotiators are taking so long when there is nothing really new to negotiate as far I know.

I thought the talks were going to be about implementing the remaining issues as spelt out in the Global Political Agreement(GPA) but it seems like there is much more than that.

The negotiations are said to continue through into the weekend which is rather surprising.

I was expecting that by now the members of the Zimbabwe Media Commission would have been announced but it appears the release of the names is being delayed for an unknown reason.

Opening up the Zimbabwe media will do a lot for the people of Zimbabwe who have been denied media freedom for years and if you think of it in a country with such high unemployment the media sector could employ quite a few people.

But I think the day when there is an independent radio broadcaster is being delayed as much as possible.

It would appear to me that there is so much fear of media freedom by Zanu PF but I think while it can be delayed they cannot stop it forever.

I hope that these talks will conclude over the weekend so that the country can get going again and I hope soon will independent newspapers will be launching.

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