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Football the 7 way

Channel 7 began their 2008 Olympics coverage by showing a Group A football match between Australia and Serbia last night.

To start with this match was not live but that wasn't very much of a problem but it was the showing of ads during the match that irked me. The published time was 9 pm but they started showing the match nearly at quarter past nine.

What annoyed me more than anything else is showing ads during that match. I know its not a live match but they should have waited until half time to show those ads.

In the 40th minute for example, the ads took something like four minutes and it was a long wait especially knowing that the match had just five or so minutes to go before half time.

The schedules shows that 7 is going to show the Australia/Argentina match and I hope they are not going to stop the match to show ads and also hope they will show it live.

Even when Foxtel shows re-runs of overnight English Premiership matches they wait for half-time to show ads and I think that's the way it should be.

I cant wait for SBS coverage of Olympic football because at least SBS know how to show football properly.

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